ציוד זכוכית כללי יש 17 מוצרים

ציוד זכוכית כללי
  • גשר זיקוק
    גשר זיקוק

    Distilling links, with Liebig condenser

    Distilling links, with Liebig condenser

    Distilling links, with Liebig condenser

  • טנק TLC עם חריצים
    טנק TLC עם חריצים

    Simultan separating chambers made of borosilicate glass, with vertical grooves in the transverse walls to hold five TLC plates of 200x200 mm and is commonly used to wash TLC-plates before use and for the quantitative trace analysis

    Simultan separating chambers made of borosilicate glass, with vertical grooves in the...

    Simultan separating chambers made of borosilicate glass, with vertical grooves in the transverse walls to hold five TLC plates of 200x200 mm and is commonly used to wash...

  • טנק TLC
    טנק TLC ללא חריצים

    Standard separating chambers  ground flange rim with ground knob-lid or with flat glass-lid, for TLC plates up to 200 x 200 mm, plane bottom, made of borosilicate glass

    Standard separating chambers  ground flange rim with ground knob-lid or with flat...

    Standard separating chambers  ground flange rim with ground knob-lid or with flat glass-lid, for TLC plates up to 200 x 200 mm, plane bottom, made of borosilicate glass

  • טנק TLC עגול
    טנק TLC עגול

    Separating chambers - TLC round with cap, made of borosilicate glass

    Separating chambers - TLC round with cap, made of borosilicate glass

    Separating chambers - TLC round with cap, made of borosilicate glass

  • זכוכית מכסה ונושא
    זכוכית מכסה




  • קופסת אחסנה לזכוכית נושא
    קופסת אחסנה לזכוכית נושא

    Slide dispenser made of ABS (Novodur), to hold 50 microscope slides of the standard size 76 x 26 mm

    Slide dispenser made of ABS (Novodur), to hold 50 microscope slides of the standard...

    Slide dispenser made of ABS (Novodur), to hold 50 microscope slides of the standard size 76 x 26 mm

  • כדורי זכוכית
    כדורי זכוכית

    Glass Beads solid, made of borosilicate glass

    Glass Beads solid, made of borosilicate glass

    Glass Beads solid, made of borosilicate glass

  • מלכודת לאוופורטור ישרה
    מלכודת לאוופורטור ישרה

    Splash heads straight, made of borosilicate glass ניתן לייצר בכל הלטשים

    Splash heads straight, made of borosilicate glass ניתן לייצר בכל הלטשים

    Splash heads straight, made of borosilicate glass ניתן לייצר בכל הלטשים

  • מלכודת לאוופורטור עם כיפוף
    מלכודת לאוופורטור עם כיפוף

    Splash heads bent, made of borosilicate glass ניתן לייצר בכל הלטשים

    Splash heads bent, made of borosilicate glass ניתן לייצר בכל הלטשים

    Splash heads bent, made of borosilicate glass ניתן לייצר בכל הלטשים

  • מלכודת לאוופורטור ללא קצף
    מלכודת לאוופורטור ללא קצף

    Rotary evaporator safety trap, anti-foaming trap PRECISO, to be placed between rotary evaporating flasks and condenser for use with evaporators. Use where foaming is likely to occur. Relieves superheating and bumping problems, made of borosilicate glass

    Rotary evaporator safety trap, anti-foaming trap PRECISO, to be placed between rotary...

    Rotary evaporator safety trap, anti-foaming trap PRECISO, to be placed between rotary evaporating flasks and condenser for use with evaporators. Use where foaming is likely to...

  • מכתש ועלי זכוכית
    מכתש ועלי זכוכית

    Mortars with foot and spout with pestle, low form, bottom unground, inside smooth, made of borosilicate glass

    Mortars with foot and spout with pestle, low form, bottom unground, inside smooth,...

    Mortars with foot and spout with pestle, low form, bottom unground, inside smooth, made of borosilicate glass

  • מניפולד - vacuum manifold
    מניפולד - vacuum manifold

    Vacuum Manifolds Nitrogen / Vacuum distribution tubes

    Vacuum Manifolds Nitrogen / Vacuum distribution tubes

    Vacuum Manifolds Nitrogen / Vacuum distribution tubes