אביזרים נלווים לנפות יש 5 מוצרים

אביזרים נלווים לנפות
  • מכסה לנפה מעבתית
    מכסה לנפה מעבדתית

    Sieve covers defend stored test sieves from dirt and dust. They are also used for storing of classified material in single test sieves and sieve towers. We offer sieve covers for all test sieves made from stainless steel and beechwood.

    Sieve covers defend stored test sieves from dirt and dust. They are also used for...

    Sieve covers defend stored test sieves from dirt and dust. They are also used for storing of classified material in single test sieves and sieve towers. We offer sieve covers...

  • תחתית לנפה מעבדתית סגורה/עם צינור ניקוז
    תחתית לנפה מעבדתית סגורה/עם צינור ניקוז

    Sieve pans collect the sieve underflow of bulk material. These are the fine particles. Please note that you need test sieves with discharge nozzle for wet sieving. Sieve pans with diameters up to 203 mm are equipped with bevel bottoms, larger sieve pans made from stainless steel with plane bottoms.

    Sieve pans collect the sieve underflow of bulk material. These are the fine particles....

    Sieve pans collect the sieve underflow of bulk material. These are the fine particles. Please note that you need test sieves with discharge nozzle for wet sieving. Sieve pans...

  • טבעת/תחתית ביניים למגדל נפות
    טבעת/תחתית ביניים למגדל נפות

    We offer intermediate rings and intermediate pans for all test sieves made from stainless steel. Intermediate rings are used together with less than three test sieves to increase the sieve tower as you need a specific height for HAVER Test Sieve Shakers. By using intermediate pans more than one sieve analysis can be simultaneous done with one test sieve shaker.

    We offer intermediate rings and intermediate pans for all test sieves made from...

    We offer intermediate rings and intermediate pans for all test sieves made from stainless steel. Intermediate rings are used together with less than three test sieves to...

  • מעמד לנפות מעבדתיות
    מעמד לנפות מעבדתיות

    The sieve holder with its space-saving design can easily be fitted in many versions and enables up to five test sieves with diameter of 200 mm or 203 mm be stored in safety. Due to single labels you can identify the test sieve at a glance.

    The sieve holder with its space-saving design can easily be fitted in many versions and...

    The sieve holder with its space-saving design can easily be fitted in many versions and enables up to five test sieves with diameter of 200 mm or 203 mm be stored in safety. Due...

  • זמין

    HAVER UFA Ultrasonic Frequency Variation for Test Sieves The woven sieve cloth continuously vibrated at a uniformly distributed, varying frequency. These high frequency vibrations reduce frictional resistance between the material particles and the sieve cloth. This type of sieving support greatly accelerates the sieving process. For some bulk materials sieving is first possible only with a vibration-type sieve shaker. The special feature of...

    HAVER UFA Ultrasonic Frequency Variation for Test Sieves The woven sieve cloth...

    HAVER UFA Ultrasonic Frequency Variation for Test Sieves The woven sieve cloth continuously vibrated at a uniformly distributed, varying frequency. These high frequency...