נפות יש 6 מוצרים

  • נפה נירוסטה
    נפה מעבדתית נירוסטה

    Test Sieves with Stainless Steel Frames Test Sieves with stainless steel frames and openings from 5 micron Our test sieves with frames made from stainless steel are equipped with woven wire cloth or robust plates with square perforations according to DIN ISO 3310. If you emphazise closer tolerances our "Gold" Test Sieves are perfect. Test sieves with electroformed sheets are mainly used for finest materials with particle sizes from 5 micron....

    Test Sieves with Stainless Steel Frames Test Sieves with stainless steel frames and...

    Test Sieves with Stainless Steel Frames Test Sieves with stainless steel frames and openings from 5 micron Our test sieves with frames made from stainless steel are equipped...

  • נפות מיוחדות לדגנים, טבק ואגרגטים
    נפות מעבדתיות מיוחדות לדגנים, טבק ואגרגטים

    Test Sieves for special Applications Special test sieves for cereals, tobacco and aggregates We quote the right test sieves also for analysis of cereals and tobacco. They differ from standard test sieves made from stainless steel in most longish holes and the standard. Grid sieves are used for determination of particle shape, flakiness index of aggregates. Conforming to international standardsFabricated according to valid standards,...

    Test Sieves for special Applications Special test sieves for cereals, tobacco and...

    Test Sieves for special Applications Special test sieves for cereals, tobacco and aggregates We quote the right test sieves also for analysis of cereals and tobacco. They...

  • נפת אלפין - ALPINE
    נפה אלפין - ALPINE

    Test Sieves for ALPINE Air Jet Sieves ALPINE Test Sieves with openings from 20 micron If you know the Air Jet Sieve by ALPINE, you also know the corresponding test sieves by HAVER & BOECKER. Finest dry bulk materials can be analysed with this machine. In addition to test sieves for the 200 LS and 200 LS-N we quote the special execution for the e 200 LS with fully automatic sieve detection. Conforming to international standards...

    Test Sieves for ALPINE Air Jet Sieves ALPINE Test Sieves with openings from 20 micron...

    Test Sieves for ALPINE Air Jet Sieves ALPINE Test Sieves with openings from 20 micron If you know the Air Jet Sieve by ALPINE, you also know the corresponding test sieves by...

  • נפה מעבדתית מסגרת עץ
    נפה מעבדתית מסגרת עץ

    Test Sieves with Beechwood and Aluminum Frames Test Sieves with beechwood and aluminum frames with openings from 40 micron HAVER Test Sieves with frames made from beechwood or aluminum are an alternative to our large stainless steel versions. We recommend the easier sieves with beechwood frames for hand sieving of coarser materials. An attribute of test sieves with aluminum frames is the exchangeable sieve medium made from woven wire cloth...

    Test Sieves with Beechwood and Aluminum Frames Test Sieves with beechwood and aluminum...

    Test Sieves with Beechwood and Aluminum Frames Test Sieves with beechwood and aluminum frames with openings from 40 micron HAVER Test Sieves with frames made from beechwood or...

  • נפה מעבדתית קונוס
    נפה מעבדתית קונוס

    Westinghouse Method HAVER Cones for determining the absorption capability HAVER Cones are used for determining the absorption capability of granular products based on the Westinghouse method Conforming to international standards Comply with the European norm prEN 15366:2005 = winter and road service area maintenance equipment / solid absorbents intended for road usage Comply with the French norm NF V 19-002 = pet liter / determination of...

    Westinghouse Method HAVER Cones for determining the absorption capability HAVER Cones...

    Westinghouse Method HAVER Cones for determining the absorption capability HAVER Cones are used for determining the absorption capability of granular products based on the...