משפך סינטר יש 8 מוצרים

משפך סינטר
  • זמין
    משפך בוכנר סינטר

    Filter Funnels Buchner shape

    Filter Funnels Buchner shape

    Filter Funnels Buchner shape

  • משפך קוני עם פילטר
    משפך קוני עם סינטר ולטש

    Gasfilter Funnels, conical shape with standard joint core Conical filter funnels are ideal for the use in sample preparation processes and filtration of small amounts. They are available in various shapes and sizes from 5 ml up to 50 ml volume with or without standard joints

    Gasfilter Funnels, conical shape with standard joint core Conical filter funnels are...

    Gasfilter Funnels, conical shape with standard joint core Conical filter funnels are ideal for the use in sample preparation processes and filtration of small amounts. They...

  • משפך פילטר " גוצ' "
    משפך גוצ' סינטר

    Filter Funnels, Gooch with sealed filter disc and standard joint

    Filter Funnels, Gooch with sealed filter disc and standard joint

    Filter Funnels, Gooch with sealed filter disc and standard joint

  • משפך בוכנא סינטר עםפילטר מתחלף
    משפך בוכנר סינטר עם פילטר מתחלף

    Screw filters with interchangeable filter plates Simple and safe to handle. 3 filter heads and 4 filter plates of 4 porosities. Screw filters offer traordinaryadvantages when compared with conventional filtration units, made of Polypropylene (PP), autoclaveable up to140 °C, Complete without plate

    Screw filters with interchangeable filter plates Simple and safe to handle. 3 filter...

    Screw filters with interchangeable filter plates Simple and safe to handle. 3 filter heads and 4 filter plates of 4 porosities. Screw filters offer traordinaryadvantages when...

  • משפך קוני עם סינטר
    משפך קוני עם סינטר

    Filter Funnels, conical shape Conical filter funnels are ideal for the use in sample preparation processes and the filtration of small amounts. They are available in various shapes and sizes from 5 ml up to 170 ml volume with or without standard joints

    Filter Funnels, conical shape Conical filter funnels are ideal for the use in sample...

    Filter Funnels, conical shape Conical filter funnels are ideal for the use in sample preparation processes and the filtration of small amounts. They are available in various...

  • משפך צינור מיקרו עם סינטר
    משפך צינור מיקרו עם סינטר

    Micro-Filter Funnels for filtration of very small volumes

    Micro-Filter Funnels for filtration of very small volumes

    Micro-Filter Funnels for filtration of very small volumes

  • משפך מיקרו עם סינטר לפי פרגל
    משפך מיקרו עם סינטר, Pregl

    Micro-Filter Funnels, according to Pregl for filtration of very small volumes with unground joint

    Micro-Filter Funnels, according to Pregl for filtration of very small volumes with...

    Micro-Filter Funnels, according to Pregl for filtration of very small volumes with unground joint

  • משפך צינור עם סינטר
    משפך צינור עם סינטר, Allihn

    Filter Tube according to Allihn

    Filter Tube according to Allihn

    Filter Tube according to Allihn