בתי בוחש יש 4 מוצרים

בתי בוחש
  • זמין
    בית בוחש מכני

    HWS-mechanical seal/stirrer bearing HWS-Dynamic seal for stirrers, with double seal in PTFE, patended The new dynamic seal can be used under moderate pressure and vacuum according to security rules. The extended guidance reduces vibrations for a longer lifetime A: dynamic seal, normal B: dynamic seal, with GL 14 at the side for gas inlet

    HWS-mechanical seal/stirrer bearing HWS-Dynamic seal for stirrers, with double seal in...

    HWS-mechanical seal/stirrer bearing HWS-Dynamic seal for stirrers, with double seal in PTFE, patended The new dynamic seal can be used under moderate pressure and vacuum...

  • בית בוחש קרמי
    בית בוחש קרמי

    HWS-mechanical seal/stirrer bearing HWS-Ceramic mechanical seal in PTFE compound with 2 encapsulated ball bearings in s/s. The planes of the ceramic seals can be used without oil and discover a high gas tightness. The co-rotating inner sleeve (in PEEK or Hastelloy HC4) permits the use of stirrers in different materials (particularly suited for coated stirrers). max. 800 rpm, max. Temp. 200°C

    HWS-mechanical seal/stirrer bearing HWS-Ceramic mechanical seal in PTFE compound with...

    HWS-mechanical seal/stirrer bearing HWS-Ceramic mechanical seal in PTFE compound with 2 encapsulated ball bearings in s/s. The planes of the ceramic seals can be used without...

  • זמין
    בית בוחש מגנטי מתאים במיוחד למוט בוחש זכוכית ונירוסטה

    BOLA Magnetic Stirrer Heads (G-MRK), PTFE/compound, Glass Perfect combination of drive shaft with ball bearings, rotor and lower bearing made of PTFE/PEEK and a conductor made of borosilicate glass. Requires little space due to compact construction. No leakage or memory effects due to non-porous, welded rotor. This rotor holds the stirrer shaft by means of three stud screws which are fixed in the counterbores of the stirrer shaft. This...

    BOLA Magnetic Stirrer Heads (G-MRK), PTFE/compound, Glass Perfect combination of drive...

    BOLA Magnetic Stirrer Heads (G-MRK), PTFE/compound, Glass Perfect combination of drive shaft with ball bearings, rotor and lower bearing made of PTFE/PEEK and a conductor made...

  • בית בוחש מגנטי למוט ציפוי PTFE
    בית בוחש מגנטי מתאים במיוחד למוט בוחש בציפוי PTFE

    BOLA Magnetic Stirrer Heads (P-MRK), PTFE/compound, Glass Ideal stirrer head for PTFE-jacketed stirrer shafts from BOLA. Consisting of capsuled drive shaft (stainless steel) with ball bearings, rotor and lower bearing made of PTFE/PEEK and a hollow shaft made of borosilicate glass. Requires little space due to compact construction. No leakage or memory effects due to non-porous, welded rotor. Compression fittings for safe fixing of stirrer...

    BOLA Magnetic Stirrer Heads (P-MRK), PTFE/compound, Glass Ideal stirrer head for...

    BOLA Magnetic Stirrer Heads (P-MRK), PTFE/compound, Glass Ideal stirrer head for PTFE-jacketed stirrer shafts from BOLA. Consisting of capsuled drive shaft (stainless steel)...