Centrifuge tubes graduated „DIFFICO“ white, with conical bottom, capacity approx. 15 ml, 112 x 17 mm, wall tickness 0.8 - 1.0 mm, made of borosilicate glass 100 pieces in a cardboard-box graduated 15 ml : 0.1 ml with mark at 15 ml
Centrifuge tubes graduated „DIFFICO“ white, with conical bottom, capacity approx. 15...
Centrifuge tubes graduated „DIFFICO“ white, with conical bottom, capacity approx. 15 ml, 112 x 17 mm, wall tickness 0.8 - 1.0 mm, made of borosilicate glass 100 pieces in a...
Screw-threads, with cone, only glass parts made of borosilicate glass, acc. to DIN 12257
Screw-threads, with cone, only glass parts made of borosilicate glass, acc. to DIN 12257
Screw-threads, with cone, only glass parts made of borosilicate glass, acc. to DIN 12257
Suction tube with ST-Stopcock, bent
Suction tube with ST-Stopcock, bent
Suction tube with ST-Stopcock, bent
Allihn-condensers acc. to DIN 12581, made of borosilicate glass (or with water connection 2 x GL 14 x.xxx.xxx S)
Allihn-condensers acc. to DIN 12581, made of borosilicate glass (or with water...
Allihn-condensers acc. to DIN 12581, made of borosilicate glass (or with water connection 2 x GL 14 x.xxx.xxx S)
Graham-condensers acc. to DIN 12592, made of borsilicate glass (or with water connection 2 x GL 14 x.xxx.xxx S)
Graham-condensers acc. to DIN 12592, made of borsilicate glass (or with water...
Graham-condensers acc. to DIN 12592, made of borsilicate glass (or with water connection 2 x GL 14 x.xxx.xxx S)
Distilling bends cone and socket ST 29/32, made of borosilicate glass
Distilling bends cone and socket ST 29/32, made of borosilicate glass
Distilling bends cone and socket ST 29/32, made of borosilicate glass
Dropping funnels cylindrical, without pressure equalizing, graduated, needle valve-stopcock, with PTFE-needle valve, with screw-thread retaining nut, made of borosilicate glass
Dropping funnels cylindrical, without pressure equalizing, graduated, needle...
Dropping funnels cylindrical, without pressure equalizing, graduated, needle valve-stopcock, with PTFE-needle valve, with screw-thread retaining nut, made of borosilicate glass
Recovery heads sloping, with thermometer socket ST 14/23, made of borosilicate glass
Recovery heads sloping, with thermometer socket ST 14/23, made of borosilicate glass
Recovery heads sloping, with thermometer socket ST 14/23, made of borosilicate glass